standar telepon genggam bahasa Inggris
- standar: tabulasy; standards; qualification; stand;
- telepon: tel.; telephone; telephony; phone; phone number;
- telepon genggam: mobile phones; mobile phone; mobile phone,
- genggam: hold; prehend; grasp; fistful; clasp; hold on;
- telepon genggam: mobile phones; mobile phone; mobile phone, mobile; cellular phone; mobile; mobil; cell; cellular telephone; cellphone; mobile telephone; cellular; cell phone; celly
- generasi telepon genggam: list of mobile phone generations
- perusahaan telepon genggam: mobile phone companies
- perusahaan telepon genggam meksiko: mobile phone companies of mexico
- sistem operasi telepon genggam: mobile operating system
- telepon genggam htc: htc mobile phones
- telepon genggam lg electronics: lg electronics mobile phones
- telepon genggam menurut perusahaan: mobile phones by company
- telepon genggam motorola: motorola mobile phones
- telepon genggam nokia: nokia mobile phones
- telepon genggam research in motion: blackberry limited mobile phones
- Alternative wireless technologies include mobile phone standards, such as 2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE.
Teknologi nirkabel alternatif meliputi standar telepon genggam seperti 2G, 3G, atau 4G.